Olympiad 2022 Award Ceremony

The BeSafeNet 2022 Olympiad Award Ceremony held in Strasbourg on Tuesday 27 September 2022. The top three teams were Minelescu GEOsmart – National College “Ion Mineslescu” Slatina, Romania (1st), Iliosporoi – Geitonas School, Vari, Greece (2nd) and Zamolxis – Colegiul Economic Delta Dunari, Tulcea, Romania (3rd).

Each team shared their experience and provided feedback, following their participation in the competition. Of particular significance were comments related to how BeSafeNet and the Olympiad reflect the high value placed on collaboration, participation and community efforts in the DRR effort. The students felt it important to actively disseminate the knowledge gained in their local communities. It was felt that hazards are not talked about enough and that this needed to change, more so, given the frequency and devastation caused by hazards.

The three teams had the chance to have guided tours in the Council of Europe, including the interactive venue of the Parlamentarium Simone Veil, the Debating Chamber of the Parliamentary Assembly, the tribune of the Hemicycle, to watch corporate film on the functioning, missions and achievements of the Council of Europe and off course to visit Strasbourg.